Saturday, December 22, 2007

Identify and Delete Blank Records in Microsoft Excel Easily


A huge number of records are available in Microsoft Excel worksheet with many blank records here and there. You want to identify and delete all the blank records automatically. Also you want to  maintain the original order of records available in the worksheet while removing the blank records.

The option of sorting the records and deleting the blanks is ruled out as sorting changes the order of records. We should remove the blank records without disturbing the order of records available in the worksheet.


Follow these steps to remove the blank records without disturbing the order of data

  1. Select the range of cells from which blank records you want to delete
  2. Press F5 to popup Go To option window
  3. Select Special... option available in the Go To window; displays Go To Special window
  4. Choose Blanks option displayed in the window
  5. Click OK; Excel identifies and highlights all the blank rows in the selected range.
  6. Right click on one of the highlighted cells and select the option Delete; displays Delete popup window.
  7. Choose Entire row option available in the Delete window
  8. Click Ok; Excel deletes all the blank records.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I use excel a lot. This guide really make my life easier. thanks for posting this solution.