Sunday, June 24, 2007

Add Scrolling Headlines Widget to Your Blog for Professional Blog Design

Scrolling Headlines widget shows recent post titles of your blog like scrolling news headlines as seen in new web sites and TV news channels. Adding the widget to your blogger beta is very easy. In the following form

  1. Enter your blog name
  2. Enter the number of recent post titles which needs to be shown by the widget
  3. Click on Add Widget to my blog
Customize Headlines Scroller Widget

Your blog address:

Number of posts:


Open posts:

Headlines bullet:


Please leave a comment or send a message through Contact Me form (available in the right side top corner) if would like to suggest enhancements to this widget.

In the coming weeks I'm going to release few more widgets. Please do check the site often for updates or subscribe to our news letter. The list of Widgets which will be released soon are

  1. Scrolling Comments Widget
    • Shows comments of your posts as a scrolling headlines text 
  2. Scrolling Comments Widget (Comments of a single post)
    • Shows comments of the current post alone as a scrolling headlines text
  3. Recent Posts Widget
    • Show recent posts of the blog 
  4. Recent Posts Widget(specific label)
    • Show recent posts of the blog which are labeled with a specific word

You can also suggest us if you have any widget concept in your mind.We will try our level best to develop the widget for you.

Update: 15-July-2007

The widget is enhanced to support configuring Scroll Direction, Headlines bullet and opening post in a new window

Note: This widget adds a link with text "Grab this widget"  in your blog . If you want to get rid of this, please leave a message with your e mail id(use contact me form and provide your mail id).

Update: 27 May 2008

Due to overwhelming response from the blogger community, we are unable to serve new blogs. This widget is temporarily discounted from adding to new blogs.


Luv said...

Hey diz widgit just rock buddy itz awesm dude

Anonymous said...

i have used this widget for my blog.but it is not shown much time or how many posts after it will show up?cud u mail me your reply

mr. simplicity said...

A suggest for the scolling to stop once the mouse hover over the link. Is that possible?

Gopinath M said...

The widget is upgraded to support pause scrolling on mouse over.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to remove the "Add this widget to your blog" Kinda looks ugly on the site.

Brisbane Computers said...

Really great thanks heaps..Works ns looks fantastic.

Gopinath M said...

Mitz, Thank you very much.

Giorgio said...

Is it possible to show also the first 250 characters and not only the title?
Thank you very much for this precious hack!

ESC (Elena & Sergio in Cambodia) said...


Installed this hack, but had to remove it because everytime I opened my blog a window popped up half way through loading up with the message "object error".When OKing the blog would finish loading up, but the hack didn't work.

I think this is a really neat application and would love to run it properly, any suggestions as to how to get round this problem?

Deb said...


I sped mine up by setting 'var nScrollDelay = 100' ;)

RaSh said...

Had the same problem as ESC.. got an alert saying [Object Error].

Something wrong with the script.. tried different options but still didnt work.

PS: Tried in IE.
Mail me if u update/fix changes on


Anonymous said...


Rabin Biswas said...

"Add widget to my blog" button is inactive and no thing to add :( please help

Gopinath M said...

Due to bandwidth issues we temporarly disabled the control. Soon we will relaunch this widget.

Rabin Biswas said...

very sad.. hope you do that very soon
waiting for that

josannavneet said...

nice worj

Unknown said...

Why Dont You Use Recent Comment And Post Widget Using Feedburner.

Anonymous said...

Do you Know That we Can Create Recent Post and Widget Using feed The widget is Fully Featured ,Try It Now?

Anonymous said...

Not working this widgets.
Gopinath kindly checkout.
goutami (indianpad)

Anonymous said...

I need this widget now brother.....

Nekdir said...


roozkey said...

Brother, why i can't add this widget to my blog. The Widget nt working

Alessandro Machi said...

Hi, I like your widget, and use it on google blogspot, but somebody with a wordpress blog says it creates problems for their blog, here is what they wrote....

Alessandro, I am asking you, yay I am begging you, to remove your "Tech Dreams" moving widget from your page top. It has been hijacking my Incoming Links section of my blog for a long time and it's getting worse. Every single one of it's topics shows up at an Incoming Link to me. As you know, Incoming links are there to tell you who has linked to you. For some odd reason, this strange widget of yours is dominating the entire list.

Hat in hand, I leave you.


You can see the Tech Dreams widget the poster is talking about at DailyPUMA

Manmohit Grover said...

that's gud

Unknown said...

very nice.i want this widget