Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Want To Run Your PC In Tip-Top Shape?Try These Free System Boosters

Any well-equipped system needs a basic software suite that can keep your machine in working order and help it take care of all important tasks.

Glary Utilities

If you need to clean and optimize your machine, improve your privacy and security, or do other similar tasks, you'll want this program. It's free, it's simple to use, and it'll make your computer run much better.

Its cleanup and repair tools include a Registry cleaner, a disk cleaner, and a shortcut fixer that corrects shortcut errors on your Desktop or Start menu.....the list goes on.

Download Glary Utilities


No matter how hard you try to keep the junk off,it accumulated over time.This must have does a great job of clearing everything out.

It clears your browser cache, temporary files folder, browser history, Windows log files, hot-fix uninstallers, and temporary files from third-party applications.

Download CCleaner

PC De-Crapifier

As good as CCleaner is, there's something it doesn't do: Track down "craplets" and kill them. Craplets are useless programs and trial versions that come installed on many new PCs, or that piggyback onto other downloads and install themselves on your computer. The result: a clogged hard disk, and a slower system.

It looks for dozens of craplets, finds them, and eliminates them.

Download PC De-Crapifier